Friday, October 17, 2014

THE FILM "M" 1931



            I chose the scene where the government authority located the kangaroo court organized by congregation of criminals to trial the accused murderer. The murderer was turned in to the legal authority, the government. The scene further showed some women crying for their dead children, the victims of the serial murder.


This scene shows how the judicial system was one sided, because the victim’s family were left to bear their sorrow, pains, and grief without any compensation by the government. Havoc has been done to their family and nothing can fill the loss and heart-ache they suffered.

This is important because it reflected terror, chaos, confusion, unemployment, trauma of war, hopelessness, frustration and recession that the society was thrown into after the World War I and II. The man marked with “M” mark seems to represent Hitler or waves of terror swiping the whole world. Also, the crash of wall street that was the main financial back bone (Lender) of Germany plunge the society into deep economic and psychological torture and developed into terror, fear, horror, thought of suicide, tragedy  and the movement of Nihilism.  A society where there was no job, no food and no basic amenities of live but carcasses of dead people scattered all over, ruin, and German current has no value. Definitely negative thoughts will be very rampant as trauma (PTS).   Even nowadays it happens to soldiers and other veterans of wars.

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