Saturday, October 4, 2014

The assignment on Dada Manefesto

“I shall be reading poems that are meant to dispense with conventional language, no less, and to have done with it.”  This is a passage from “Dada Manifesto” by Hugo Ball.

This quote reflects innate feelings express in art work, poems and which also shows in the movement’s paintings. It means that Dadaism or dada movement found nothing worth of preserving or of value in the society, so they show their disapproval of imperialist activities of German government, anti-war,  hopelessness, corruption, lack of trust in the condition that exist in Germany then,  and to ridicule it by going against it. The movement felt betrayed by the socialists that support war so deviant culture of dada was used to protest the situation with the use of distorted pictures, paintings and culture to evoke shocking reactions from the people.   This relates to Nihilism and expressionism movement we have been discussing in class; anti-culture also portrays that lives has no meaning and is nothing. The innate feelings were used to portray the condition in society at that time absurd through their Dada paintings. This philosophy relates to the expressionism’s philosophy by showing how they feel against the society’s condition in their Dada movement culture. It gained popularity right from Switzerland where it started, and spread like fire even to the New York and beyond.

I chose this quotation because the words actually hit the nail on the head about the stand of the movement and their philosophy in one sentence.  This quotation challenged my stand regarding what is going on presently in the world now. The war in Syria, Iraq and other Arab countries, ISIS Islamic movement terrorist activities, and Americans and British Citizens were beheaded. The action was used to show their deviance for live, anger, frustration and hopelessness in the world in general and in their situation or condition in particular.

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