Saturday, September 27, 2014

passage from Siddhartha

The book /Novel:               Siddhartha

The ultimate spiritual goal of Siddhartha was achieved after he endured the pains of loosing his
son to the City life; and accepting to console himself by listening and watching the knowledge of the river. Then he achieved the state of inner-peace, (Nirvana) which is spiritual enlightenment.

This was noticed by Govinda at their final reunion and ..." Govinda stood yet a while bending over Siddhartha’s peaceful face which he had just kissed, which had just been the stage of all present and future forms. His countenance was unchanged after the mirror of the thousand-fold forms had disappeared from the surface. He smiled peacefully and gently, perhaps very graciously, perhaps very mockingly, exactly as the Illustrious One had smiled."

This passages shows that Siddhartha had finally arrived at his quest for highest spiritual enlightenment with his face that had changed to that of Gotama; however, there is another symbols that showed attainment of inner-peace and fulfillment - the peaceful smile.   This an evidence that he had arrived at Nirvana by communication without talk or words but by smile just like Gotama did when Siddhartha had confrontation with me before his departure as his follower. Vasudeva Siddhartha mentor to the river path way of final spiritual enlightenment also smile.

Also, this passages show how he demonstrated art of love to transfer instant state of spiritual fulfillment to his childhood friend and follower (kind of), Govinda through a love kiss. 

I chose this passage because is the height of his spiritual satisfaction that he had been seeking all his life. It's  a climax of events the novel. He eventually arrived at his ultimate goal with attributes of that qualified him for spiritual enlightenment like love, self-denial, inner-peace (OM), denial of material things, smiles and being a ferry man to guide others to their inner-spiritual enlightenment.



    A Passage from Dada Manifesto

    “I shall be reading poems that are meant to dispense with conventional language, no less, and to have done with it.” This is a passage from “Dada Manifesto” by Hugo Ball.
    This quote reflects innate feelings express in art work, poems and which also shows in the movement’s paintings. It means that Dadaism or dada movement found nothing worth of preserving or of value in the society, so they show their disapproval of imperialist activities of German government, anti-war, hopelessness, corruption, lack of trust in the condition that exist in Germany then, and to ridicule it by going against it. The movement felt betrayed by the socialists that support war so deviant culture of dada was used to protest the situation with the use of distorted pictures, paintings and culture to evoke shocking reactions from the people. This relates to Nihilism and expressionism movement we have been discussing in class; anti-culture also portrays that lives has no meaning and is nothing. The innate feelings were used to portray the condition in society at that time absurd through their Dada paintings. This philosophy relates to the expressionism’s philosophy by showing how they feel against the society’s condition in their Dada movement culture. It gained popularity right from Switzerland where it started, and spread like fire even to the New York and beyond.
    I chose this quotation because the words actually hit the nail on the head about the stand of the movement and their philosophy in one sentence. This quotation challenged my stand regarding what is going on presently in the world now. The war in Syria, Iraq and other Arab countries, ISIS Islamic movement terrorist activities, and Americans and British Citizens were beheaded. The action was used to show their deviance for live, anger, frustration and hopelessness in the world in general and in their situation or condition in particular.


    The scene that I chose is the place where Dr. Caligari was shown at the entrance of the fair ground gate. The light shade reflected how he waited, watch, listen, and think to what was going on at the Holstenwall fair before he venture to his cabinet.

    My impression or interpretation of the scene is that Dr. Caligari study the environment, the people, their psyche and atmosphere at the fair; this action show expressionism culture, just like Hitler read the attitude, emotions, confusions and hopelessness condition prevalent in Germany in the period after the first world war. Even, Nazis took the advantage of the confusion of trauma of war in Germany at the time to manipulate the people to their philosophy.

    These leaders listen and observed the fear, groaning, frustration, hopelessness,suffering and confusion of the people then, manipulated them to their own advantage after gaining the trust of the people. This was shown where he stated Cesare has been sleepling for 25years ready to wake. He uses this to hypnotized the people to obedience or trust. He uses his oratory power to conjure fear and manipulation for them to listen to his words. According to his words, " Ladies and gentlemen! Cesare knows all Secrets, [Ask him to look into your future." He uses innate ability to move people from their present state of despondency to the future he wanted for them through proclamation of Cesare.

  3. I choose this scene because it portrays the behaviors of Germany leaders during that period. Mainly, it foreshadows the rise of Hitler to the political scene or to power in Germany. It also, show how Germany was awaken or ushered into the second world war.

  4. It shows how expressionism gained attention through motion picture, light, and sound. And it foreshadows the rise of Germany as an imperialist power.

    This movie was a powerful culture by the expressionism to develop horror movies all over the world. It reduces the influence of paintings and metamorhposized to a big movie industries that the impact created the present day Hollywood movies industry.

  5. Professor I am unable to upload the pictures. I encounter problems loading it.

    I choose the painting "The scream" by Edvard Munich, 1893

    This picture shows the isolation suffered after the first World War, the scream is very scary and so shows post- war trauma experienced by the people. This picture is created by Dadaism movement. it portrays the expression of disorder, confusion and distortion.

    Edvard Munch
