In such a situation,
pain remains the only measure promising a certainty of insights. Wherever
values can no longer hold their ground, the movement toward pain endures as an
astonishing sign of the times; it betrays the negative mark of a
metaphysical structure (p. 47).
In this passage, Junger was encouraging
people to be strong and heroic by enduring pains, horrible situation, and free
of metaphysics; but he was preaching “no pain no gain” gospel to strengthen
them. This passage is nothing but compelling obedience to unpalatable condition,
self-denial, and discipline to survive in a society full of death and pains.
This will give control over body, encouraged denial of feelings, and blocking
out pains to maintain complete control of flesh to serve a higher calling which
could be military, social, or otherwise. Junger’s article shows his support for
Nihilism and Nazi’s rule, therefore, he was preaching that people be robotic in
carrying out orders from their ruler by observing "spiritual suicide" that free them from physical pains.
I chose this passage because
it gives me an insight to some of the reasons that lead to the rise of Hitler
and the triumphant of his will to rule the whole world. Truly there is no life
without pains, but not excessive pains that destroys freedom, soul, and body just
to be strong. Some levels of pains make
people insensitive to their environment and others. This makes them draconic in
their actions and very oppressive.
Actually, this
philosophy also leads to the rise of Hitler, and breed the idea of superiority
of Germans over other race. Hence, the world experienced World War II and the Holocaust.