Sunday, November 23, 2014



In such a situation, pain remains the only measure promising a certainty of insights. Wherever values can no longer hold their ground, the movement toward pain endures as an astonishing sign of the times; it betrays the negative mark of a metaphysical structure (p. 47).

  In this passage, Junger was encouraging people to be strong and heroic by enduring pains, horrible situation, and free of metaphysics; but he was preaching “no pain no gain” gospel to strengthen them. This passage is nothing but compelling obedience to unpalatable condition, self-denial, and discipline to survive in a society full of death and pains. This will give control over body, encouraged denial of feelings, and blocking out pains to maintain complete control of flesh to serve a higher calling which could be military, social, or otherwise. Junger’s article shows his support for Nihilism and Nazi’s rule, therefore, he was preaching that people be robotic in carrying out orders from their ruler by observing "spiritual suicide" that free them from physical pains.


I chose this passage because it gives me an insight to some of the reasons that lead to the rise of Hitler and the triumphant of his will to rule the whole world. Truly there is no life without pains, but not excessive pains that destroys freedom, soul, and body just to be strong.  Some levels of pains make people insensitive to their environment and others. This makes them draconic in their actions and very oppressive.

Actually, this philosophy also leads to the rise of Hitler, and breed the idea of superiority of Germans over other race. Hence, the world experienced World War II and the Holocaust.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Assignment of "Triumph of the Will" Movie


In the movie, “Triumph of the Will”, I chose the scene where all Germans gathered for the state parade. I admired the oratory speech delivered by Hitler to all soldiers, civilians, youth, and arrays of working class. Soldiers marched with articulate steps, workers saluted with spades, and everyone displayed their loyalty openly to Hitler.

In fact, I loved the nationalistic spirit showed by all in attendance at the parade; young men adopted the hair and fashion sense of Hitler to show their love for him. The crème de la crème of Germans were strategically sited on a stage like platform amidst cheering crowds of loyalist and nationalist supporter of Nazi’s party. There was a sea of heads as people eagerly sat, stood, hung on to poles and roof tops to hear the charismatic, emotion laden speech delivered by of Hitler. Hitler’s address propelled the listeners to support him and be proud of their nation.

This scene was preceded by use of sounds and different shades of light with martial music playing in a call and response manner keeping the viewer in suspense of imminent event.


The movie, “Triumph of the Will” really moved me because it made me see the power of will and the ability of positive thinking. This coupled with fervent dedication and determination came to play in the installation of Adolf Hitler as a majority ruler of Germany. Hitler’s rule may be seen as a dictatorship; however Germany needed this strong hand to turn their fate around to improve Germany’s socio-economic situation.
kudos to the director, the many actors in this movie, good coordination and team work was displayed throughout the film.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


"Whoever wants to engage in politics at all, and especially in politics as a vocation, has to realize these ethical paradoxes. He must know that he is responsible for what he may become of himself under the impact of these paradoxes. I repeat, he lets himself in for the diabolic forces lurking in all violence. The great virtuosi of acosmic love of humanity and goodness whether stemming from Nazareth or Assisi or from Indian royal castles, have not operated with the political means of violence. Their kingdom was ‘not of this world’ and yet they worked and still work in this world. The figures of Platon Karatajev and the saints of Dostoievski still remain their most adequate reconstructions. He who seeks the salvation of the soul of his own and of others, should not seek it along the avenue of politics, for the quite different tasks of politics can only be solved by violence [italics added]. The genius or demon of politics lives in an inner tension with the god of love, as well as with the Christian God as expressed by the church. This tension can at any time lead to an irreconcilable conflict." (pp. 125-26)

 Interpretation: This quotation implies that politics is a game with two sides to it. And whoever wants to engage in it should be ready to face whatever it brings. It should understand that he/she has open him/herself to a life under the radar of the public eye open for praise, gain or attacks even sometimes violence.  In essence to be a martyr involves losing your life to save others or using violence to get your point across or demand recognition or obedience.
Politics can turn to a dirty game sometimes because it involves contention between two opposing views competing for the machinery of governance, for nationalistic means, and/or civil liberty. It’s not going to be a bread and butter issue but several oppositions and hindrances to be surmounted which could open a person to various kinds of attacks, economically, emotionally, and otherwise.
For instance, when Obama decided to run presidential race in 2009, his records were checked, his personal life, his family background even his birth certificate was contended as fake. Several insults were rained on him plus verbal attacks and counter attacks both from the left wings and his party. In fact, some African Americans did not give him their mandate at the initial stage. For example, the Harlem caucus was not fully in support. 

Also, his name was ridiculed to Osama bin laden; his African paternity was scrutinized and trivialized in a bid to demoralize him. He was literally open to different kinds of attacks. I think that is why most politicians sought the service of private security agents to protect them from violence they are exposed to as a result of seeking public office.  The murder of John F. Kennedy, the then youngest president of USA is an eye opener, or a good example of what politics could become a game of violence.
I chose this passage because Max Weber shows himself as a great sociologist to have recognized the evil, gains, dirty, and the inner wheel that propels politics in practical sense. And this draws my attention or a flash back of how Hitler turned the Nazi party to a machinery use to massacre his opponents.


Saturday, November 1, 2014



Article 49
“The Reich President exercises the right of amnesty. Reich amnesties require a Reich law.”

            Interpretation of this article states is that the President of Germany is endowed with the power to grant pardon to people as he deemed worthy, just like in America where the president has the right to grant amnesty; however, this article stated that Reich that is federal amnesties require a federal law before the president can exercise such right. 

            This to me is awesome, because the president has a right to pardon some people but this right built checks and balances with the federal law in some instances of exercising such right. So that abuse of this article in some instances can be avoided, that is democratic constitution.

            This shows the German Society as at that time (1920s,) already had a taste of democracy imbedded in their constitution as it obtains in America.

Article 109 “All Germans are equal in front of the law.
In principle, men and women have the same rights and obligations.
Legal privileges or disadvantages based on birth or social standing are to be abolished.
Noble titles form part of the name only; noble titles may not be granted any more.
Titles may only be granted, if they indicate an office or occupation; academic degrees are not affected by this regulation.
The state may no more bestow orders and medals.
No German may accept titles or orders from a foreign government.”

          This article 109 of Weimar Constitution means reflect equality for all gender in German society, it interpreted as no class due to birth or social standing will be allowed according to this constitution. The Country will not grant medals or orders as recognition of good deeds or achievements. It also indicated that tittle will be granted only as a result of academic recognition or profession, and tittle only conferred due to office position. This article expressly stated that German personnel cannot accept tittle or orders from other countries.

          I chose this Article 109 because it strikes me as having too many restrictions on the citizens that it may be impossible to implement in its entirety. Imagine German citizen being recognized for their talents or achievements by America or given a religious tittle by Catholic Church then they would be unable to accept it.  This is a kind of restriction on their fundamental right.
            Regarding gender equality as stated in this Weimar Constitution does not operate in practice or the country was not ready for it. Gender issues were still controversial as many men do not want equality of women and were not ready for women to take any major leadership role in their society.  There was still strict class separation and frictions among the classes in German society. The land owners still look down on the middle class and the working class.  In addition, as per the last lecture, some women’s groups and the left-wing political parties attempted to create more equality between the sexes. Some women’s groups, conservative and radical right-wing political parties, and some members of the clergy resisted equality of sexes as well. Weimar Constitution mandated considerable gender equality, but tradition, the civil and criminal codes were still in favor of men superiority and it created inequality. Marriage and divorce laws and questions of morality and sexuality were all areas of conflicts that the society is not ready to address.

However, the fact that women rights of equality was recognized and written in the constitution is a good omen for the women of that society. They do not have to fight and struggle to get it written in the constitution but it was handed to them though full implementation might take some time.